Insurance is there for us in times of need. Whether it’s accidents or other unforeseen mishaps, insurance is supposed to operate as a means of protecting us in the event that we need a leg up. There are times, though, where insurance doesn’t always operate in good faith. And it may be difficult for the average person to spot what would otherwise be considered “a bad faith” insurance tactic.

To an experienced Louisiana personal injury lawyer, however, bad faith tactics from insurance companies are easy to spot and obvious when they’re happening. If you’ve been injured, you’re entitled to rightful compensation. Learn to spot the signs of bad faith insurance tactics and know when you’ll need a bad faith insurance claims attorney.

What are Bad Faith Insurance Tactics?

What constitutes bad faith? The vast majority of insurance companies operate in a responsible and ethical manner. Still, given the size of the industry, there are outliers that can leave most honest insurance providers with a bad name. Insurance companies can’t look for ways to escape their obligation to investigate your claim or to pay you. And yet, sometimes insurance companies like to see what they can get away with. That’s called bad faith.

Whether it’s dishonest business practices, inexcusably bad customer service, or other less-than stellar forms of service, insurance companies have a duty to serve those who have suffered damages and to treat everyone fairly.

If any of the following actions happen as a result of you filing a claim on your insurance policy, you’re very likely dealing with a bad faith actor within the insurance industry:

  • Dishonesty: Bad actors will purposely underestimate claims to take more money off the top. They will stall the delivery of compensation to bait you into settling for a lower amount. Some insurance companies might even relay incorrect or incomplete information, with the intended purpose of sabotaging the proper receipt of your compensation.
  • Intimidation: If insurance representatives sound more like loan sharks over the phone, you’re very likely dealing with a bad actor. Threats of legal action, violence, or purposeful attempts to intimidate should be an immediate red flag, and a sign that you may need a Louisiana bad faith insurance claims attorney to represent your case.

Best Ways of Responding to Bad Faith Actors

While dealing with unsavory insurance providers is always frustrating, there are measured, effective responses you can take if you encounter this type of behavior.

Should you find yourself dealing with bad faith actors, there are some immediate steps you should take:

  • Document everything: In the law enforcement world, there’s a saying that applies here: “If it isn’t in the report, it didn’t happen.” Make sure that any encounter you have with bad faith actors, you’re documenting the times, dates, and names right afterwards. This allows you to bolster your claims should you proceed with legal action.
  • Hire an experienced personal injury attorney: Personal injury attorneys know how to fight for the rights of those who have been deceived by bad faith actors within the insurance industry. Take your documentation and explicit examples of wrong-doing and present them to an attorney with experience handling a bad faith insurance provider.

Among the best solutions available to you, hiring an experienced bad faith insurance claims attorney is arguably your best option if you’re on the receiving end of potentially shady insurance tactics.

Stop Shady Insurance Tactics With a Personal Injury Attorney

At the Law Offices of E. Orum Young, we have 30-plus years of serving the citizens of Louisiana in all personal injury matters. We know what bad faith insurance looks like when we see it; we can defend your interests if you’ve been wronged by a bad faith actor in the insurance industry. It all starts with a free consultation from one of our experienced attorneys.

To schedule a free consultation or case review, call us at (318) 303-4194 or complete our online contact form.