Did you know that, on average, 2% of car insurance claims are denied? That’s a lot, and if your claim was one of that 2%, you’re probably not very happy. If you recently had a car accident and your insurance claim has been denied, our Monroe personal injury attorney Orum Young Law Personal Injury Attorney has some advice for you. This guide will assist you in better understanding the car accident claims process, what you can do today to speed up the process, and how to hire a lawyer if necessary.

What is a denied insurance claim?

car accident claims

Assume you filed a claim after an automobile accident costing you thousands of dollars. You expect a reimbursement soon since your coverage covers auto insurance. Instead, you’ll receive a notice indicating your claim has been denied. Alternatively, you may get a check covering just a portion of the damage – less than your deductible.

This scenario portrays an insurance claim denial. Your insurer may reject your claim. But, if the other motorist was at fault, their insurance may file a claim. In any event, it typically implies you don’t have enough money to repair your car or to pay for your injuries. Your first response is often uncertain. It is best to work with a personal injury lawyer when faced with car accident claims. 

Insurance Claim is Denied, What to Do?

If your insurance claim is rejected, you may believe that your only choice is to pay for your medical expenses and damages yourself. But you have another option. You may challenge your claim and file a formal compensation demand.

  1. Learn Why Your Claim Was Rejected

Before appealing, learn why your claim was denied. Did you notify the insurance company too late? Is your insurance covering the injury? Are your personal injuries covered by any policy exclusions that might deny your claim, and is your coverage still active? Your insurance company may use any of these reasons to deny your claim. Other causes for denial of insurance claims include:

  • You caused some of the injuries.
  • Incorrect data on claim paperwork
  • Mistakes in medical bills and documents
  • The operation you need may not be covered by your coverage or judged medically necessary by your doctor.

Always check the refusal letter for a rationale for declining your claim. Once you know why, you may make efforts to substantiate your case to the insurance provider, preventing a second denial when you reapply.

Consider some reasons why your auto insurer may deny a claim.

  • You were in a crash with an uninsured driver.

The majority of states require liability insurance, but not all require it for uninsured motorists. Obtaining proper insurance information may be difficult or impossible if you are involved in an accident with someone who provides false information.

  • The at-fault driver’s insurer denied your claim.

There are many reasons why an at-fault motorist’s insurance company may deny a claim. Incorrect insurance information or inadequate coverage are examples.

Similarly, if you are engaged in an accident, you are liable for your medical bills.

  • Badly refused your claim.

An insurance adjuster who declines a claim in bad faith lacks the required knowledge to make a decision. Your claim may have been mistakenly denied. While further documentation may be needed, you may appeal the claim rejection decision.

  • You have a health issue.

Whiplash is a common car accident injury. If you have a history of neck pain, your insurer may deny your claim. Their denial may also be due to “unnecessary” medical treatment.

  • You put off getting medical help.

If you don’t seek medical treatment quickly for non-life-threatening injuries, your insurer may believe you’re OK.

  1. Send a Notice of Demand

You’ll need to write a demand letter outlining your case and why you deserve compensation. The letter should explain why you believe the other party caused your injury and why you want compensation or therapy. You may also have extra papers, images, or information to provide with the demand letter to support your insurance claim.

  1. Appeals Procedure

A majority of insurers provide an appeals mechanism, and several jurisdictions mandate arbitration or appeals for all refused claims. The duration of this procedure varies. It is usually best to have legal counsel since your attorney will know more about these claims and insurance company arbitration processes. Then they can use their legal expertise to assist you to win your case and get the money you deserve.

When to File an Appeal

Any insurance claim that you believe should be reimbursed should be appealed. You could also appeal a claim denial if you believe the insurance provider is acting unfairly. Your lawyer may analyze state laws regarding banned conduct and file an extra claim against the insurance company for violating state laws. If you appeal a denied claim and the insurance company still refuses to compensate you, you may file a lawsuit.

How To Make A Car Insurance Claim Stronger

When requesting compensation from an insurance provider, it is critical to producing a thorough and effective demand letter. A firm must behave in good faith under the law. So they must carefully and honestly assess your compensation request. A fair settlement offer is more likely if you have more information and proof to support it.

Following an accident, you may do the following to enhance your auto insurance claim.

  • Describe the extent of both cars’ damage and your injuries.
  • Be sure to include any medical documents that relate the accident to your injuries.
  • Identify any post-accident penalties given to the other motorist.
  • Police and accident reports
  • Compose a letter describing the accident and condemning the other driver
  • Verify your claim with witnesses.
  • You may maximize your compensation by hiring a lawyer to research and prepare your claim. Your personal injury lawyer will know how to present your case and get you a fair settlement.

Car claims denied by insurance carriers can be a financial nightmare. 

Let our team at Orum Young Law help minimize the stress and hassle that you are now forced to deal with. We recognize that unforeseen accidents can be stressful, and when an insurance company refuses to pay car accident claims filed by an injured party, it can be particularly frustrating. 

However, in those unfortunate situations, it is important to consider your options and the possible courses of action available. Our personal injury attorneys in Monroe know how to fight insurance companies. With our skills and knowledge, we can help you reach a successful resolution on your behalf. Contact us today to get the assistance that you need.