Wrist injuries are one of the most common injuries that happen during a car accident. Often, drivers instinctively throw their hands up to protect their face right before impact. Or, they might grip the steering wheel extra hard. Either way, those involved in a car accident may end up with this extreme trauma.

Common Car Crash Wrist Injuries

Wrists are complicated hinge joints that consist of eight different bones in two rows of four bones each. Each wrist has a network of ligaments that help them move. These small bones and tissues are notoriously hard to heal after a fracture.

The most common car accident wrist injuries are:

  • Sprains
  • Dislocations
  • Fractured knuckles
  • Broken bones
  • Crushed Hands
  • Traumatic carpal tunnel syndrome that gets progressively worse

A hand injury is serious, often resulting in loss of work and incredible medical expenses for the individual. Repairing wrist and hand bones usually takes specialists, surgeons, and a substantial period of physical therapy. Healing through this type of injury takes a long time.

Symptoms of Hand and Wrist Injuries

With adrenaline pumping after an accident, it is possible to not even notice an injury until a few days later. It’s important to pay attention to the symptoms of wrist injuries after a car accident.

Common symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness around the area
  • Loss of motion/limited range of motion
  • Bruising
  • Stiffness
  • Severe pain

Medical attention is vital after a car accident. The best way to treat any injury is to treat it early. Wrist injuries tend to get worse quickly without treatment.

Always consult a doctor or specialist if you notice evidence of a wrist injury. Some injuries are less severe, and require a simple solution, like ice and painkillers. If the car accident was genuinely severe, though, you might end up with severe injuries that require multiple surgeries. After all the treatment, it’s possible that the wrist and hand injuries are untreatable. Many end up with nerve loss or permanent limitations.

Getting Compensation After a Car Accident

Wrist injuries can be painful. They’ll disrupt a person’s life and interfere with their work and recreational activities. Given the complicated structure of the wrist with all of its bones, ligaments, and tendons, healing could take considerable time, especially if an individual needs surgery.

At that point, it’s best to reach out to an experienced attorney. Insurance companies want to pay the least possible amount, and often, that amount isn’t enough to cover the entire loss stemming from a wrist injury. Car accident attorneys from E. Orum Young will be your voice and fight for your right to receive a fair amount from the insurance company.

In addition to holding the insurance company accountable, your lawyer may find it possible to press charges against the negligent driver that caused the initial accident. An injury like this can have severe repercussions for someone’s life, so it’s essential to receive the money you need to get better.

E. Orum Young has over 35 years of experience helping individuals across Louisiana fight for compensation following a car accident. Our car accident attorneys can help you focus on healing while we hold those responsible for your injuries accountable. Call our office at (318) 450-6453 for a free case review today.