Experienced Monroe Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured as a result of an accident, negligence, or misconduct, you should hire the services of a personal injury lawyer. An attorney can help you in seeking compensation for your injuries. A lawyer will also defend your rights against aggressive insurance companies and major businesses trying to avoid paying fair compensation for your damages and losses.

Some personal injury claims may not need the assistance of an attorney. However, having someone with legal expertise and experience dealing with injury claims examine your case can be beneficial. A personal injury lawyer explains your legal rights and advises you on whether you should hire a personal injury lawyer.

Our personal injury lawyers at E. Orum Young Law in Monroe have been fighting for our clients’ rights and getting them fair compensation for their injuries since 1982. While most insurance companies will settle for the smallest amount possible or deny your claim outright, our personal injury attorneys will never settle for less. Instead, they will fight for the outcome that will improve your quality of life.

Make the first step toward recovery now. Call us immediately to schedule a free case review with one of our Louisiana personal injury attorneys!

When Should I See a Personal Injury Lawyer?

when should I see a personal injury lawyerThe skills of a seasoned personal injury lawyer and the threat they pose to the opposing party may be worth the money. 

You may need the services of a personal injury lawyer for these reasons:

  • There are complicated laws involved in your specific accident claim, 
  • The severity of your accident injuries may cause your payout to differ significantly,
  • When an insurance company refuses to resolve an issue in good faith. 

The following types of accidents and injuries generally need the help of a personal injury lawyer:

  • Injuries that are long-term or permanently disabling
  • Serious injuries
  • Injuries involving a government body

Long-Term or Permanent Injuries

Some accidents leave you with injuries that have a long-lasting, even permanent, negative impact on your physical abilities or appearance. It might be challenging to figure out how much a serious injury is worth.

Our law firm has helped many people recover a fair settlement or judgment in their personal injury cases. To start your road to recovery, you should seek the help of an accomplished personal injury lawyer.

Serious Injuries

The severity of your injuries determines the amount of monetary compensation you get.

The seriousness of your accident injuries is defined by:

  • Your medical expenses,
  • The injuries you have, and
  • The recovery time.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer to handle your claim ensures you get the highest compensation. Our trusted attorney at E. Orum Young Law is ready to help you get justice against the parties that injured you. Call us today to discuss your personal injury claim!

Injuries Involving a Government Body

Bringing a personal injury lawsuit against the government is much more complicated than bringing a claim against someone else. In many instances, governments are exempted from liability. There are, however, exceptions.

Contact a personal injury lawyer immediately if you have been injured in a bus, train, or subway accident. The timeframe for filing a lawsuit against the government is shorter than the time limit for filing other types of claims. It is vital to have an experienced lawyer handle any damage claim involving a government organization.

What to Do if an Insurance Company Won’t Pay

Sometimes, you will need to hire a personal injury lawyer when an insurance company or government agency refuses to offer you a fair settlement. In these situations, getting something is better than getting nothing, even if it’s just what the lawyer can get minus the fee charged for getting it.

When dealing with people, some insurance companies act in bad faith. For example, the insurance company may try to stall your claim. Hence, the statute of limitations expires, and you can no longer sue for personal injury. Other examples of bad faith by an insurance company include:

  • Intentionally misinforming a victim about their legal rights
  • Failure to investigate a claim
  • False accusations of contributory negligence
  • Misrepresenting the insurance policy’s terms
  • Necessitating excessive and time-consuming documentation to file a claim
  • Refusing to pay a legitimate claim

An insurance firm might operate in bad faith in a variety of ways. Personal injury attorneys know different insurance tactics and are well-versed in personal injury laws.

If the insurance company doesn’t work with your lawyer to come up with a fair settlement for your personal injury claim, your lawyer can file a personal injury lawsuit. Sometimes all it takes to get the insurance company and the other parties to agree to a fair and reasonable settlement is the threat of a case.

Call our Monroe Law Firm for your Personal Injury Case!

You could end up with a lot of debt if you don’t get the settlement you legally deserve. Not only will you need costly medical treatment in the long term, but you will also lose out on income if you are injured in a vehicle or heavy truck accident.

Our Louisiana personal injury lawyers ensure you receive all the compensation for medical bills, lost wages, emotional pain and suffering, and property damage. In many instances, personal injuries last way beyond the immediate aftermath of an accident. It may be possible to recover from your injury debt-free if you have a competent personal injury attorney on your side.

Since 1982, the attorneys at E. Orum Young have been fighting for your rights as bankruptcy lawyers, and they are now willing to take on your personal injury case. We are compassionate and thorough, and we will be there for you every step of the journey. We are well aware that insurance companies have several incentives to refuse or minimize claims. That is not acceptable to us. We can help you get what you need to get back on your feet after an accident that wasn’t your fault.

We are a law firm that cares about the community and gives back to it. Call us now to set an appointment for a free case review. We are available to make appointments 24 hours a day, seven days a week!